Sunday, March 4, 2007

Rock the Wine

Our introduction of Sacre Bleu was calculated to draw as much attention to the brand as was possible within the so called "millennial" demographic.
What we discovered when laying our plans was that the wine industry had yet to realize that the establishment of peer to peer relationships was indespensable to making a product/brand feel as though it was part of one's lifestyle. Certainly the beer companies knew this and so, too, did the spirit makers. Wine, no.
Beer nights at clubs are common place and part and parcel to its promotion. Against this backdrop we set in motion plans for what we have begun calling "Rock the Wine". Rock the Wine is a wine tasting in a venue that young people are familiar with and comfortable in. This demographic is not signing up for wine tastings as the local country clubs and elite hotels. Put the tasting in venues where they and their peers are hanging and and presto!
Sacre Bleu is unveiling at a Minneapolis club called Trocaderos. Trocedaros just happens to have a kick ass sound system, ready to go stage and ambience that is perfect for a good time. We'll set up areas for tasting the entire line, furnish cheese, crackers, all the pretensious crap they care to hear about terrier, acidity and what not and let them decide for themselves as they dance and take the wine and shout. The end result, our brand, our Sacre Bleu in open celebration within the classic peer to peer scenario.
Go to our myspace page at and see our promotional poster for the event.

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